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No 6 Kali Phos Tissue Salt Soft

Health Emporium

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Potassium Phosphate.

A Biochemic remedy for nerve soothing and for nervous exhaustion, nervous indigestion, nervous headache and stress due to worry or excitement. They are based on Dr Schuessler's Nutritional Biochemic System of Medicine. Active constituent (in homeopathic potency): Potassium Phosphate Ph. Eur. 6X. Adults 4 tablets. Children 2 tablets. Infants 1 tablet. Tablets to be dissolved on the tongue. Chronic cases 4 doses daily. Acute cases every half hour until relief is obtained; thereafter 3 doses daily. 

Ingredients for No 6 Kali Phos Tissue Salts Active constituent (in homeopathic potency): Potassium Phosphate Ph. Eur. 6X. Contains lactase

Contains 432 soft triturated tablets


No 6 Kali Phos Tissue Salt Soft
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