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Hyssop Essential Oil 10ml


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Species: Hyssopus officinalis
Plant Family: 



Native to Southern Europe, The Middle East and the area around the Caspian Sea.


Obtained by steam distillation of the leaves of the plant.


Anti-rheumatic, astringent, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, cicatrisant, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, hypertensive, nervine, sudorific, stimulant, tonic, vermifuge and vulnerary.

Usage & methods of application: 

Used very well diluted Hyssop can be found in massage and skin lotions as a healing ingredient. Massage solutions including Hyssop can also be used to relieve anxiety, fatigue, indigestion & flatulence and the symptoms associated with menstrual problems and colic. It can also be diluted in the bath for similar effects. 

When burned or vaporised Hyssop is again thought to alleviate mental tiredness, stress, anxiety and may be useful in relieving coughs and other respiratory problems. 

Blends well with: 

You may find that Hyssop blends particularly well with Clary Sage, Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, Mandarin, Orange, Rosemary, Sage, Myrtle, Bay and Grapefruit. 

Hyssop Essential Oil 10ml - Health Emporium
Hyssop Essential Oil 10ml - Health Emporium
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